Sharing Jesus Christ that man may be saved and truly free


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Evangelical and Free exists to encourage you to continue moving in the direction of becoming the man/woman that God desires you to be. We desire, pray, and hope that you would humbly examine your life to see if you are remaining in Chirst as Jesus himself speaks about in John 15:1-11. The continual act of following after Christ should have a visible impact within the context of your personal life, family life, community, and the local church. We desire that your life and these specific areas would look drastically different than cultural Christianity.

In no way should this or any other ministry be your main source of being fed, replace fellowship, or minimize your participation in the local church. Rather, Evangelical and Free desires to encourage and help you move in the direction of edifying Christ and making Him known within your church and your local community in impactful ways.

Evangelical and Free?

Matthew 10:7-8
And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

How will Evangelical and Free help people to edify Christ and make Him known in their local church and community?

The hope is that God uses the information, different posts, and resources created by many different Christians to inspire you to witness and share the gospel to those who don’t know it. Another God sized hope is that brothers and sisters who have knowledge of God’s Word would “freely give” and encourage the body within discipleship relationships.

Those who come across this site and contact us, we hope to inspire and encourage them to actively partake in the Great Commission.

The Great Commission – Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been give to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded to you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

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What does this mean to you?
The last instructions Christ gave to us before ascending into heaven had profound implications on the believers life focus, and was a call that wasn’t optional although most of us treat it as so. If someone has all authority and tells you to do something it should be heeded. Christ here is reminding us of his position not in an arrogant or gloating manner, but just a simple matter of fact. He truly does have all authority, so shouldn’t that be reassuring to us as believers? Because of that shouldn’t there be no hesitation on our part to simply do exactly what he is telling us to do?

Why does fellowship, worship, prayer, meditating, and reading come much easier to us than evangelizing?
There are two main answers to that. The first is that the enemy knows and understands that evangelism is a sure way of reaching more people, so there is a big spiritual battle anytime you consider sharing Christ with another person. The second is that your love of self trumps your love for Christ and your love for others, and this shouldn’t be so.

Your inward focus on self allows you to selfishly practice other disciplines of the Christian faith that come easy to you, while overlooking the disciplines that may make you feel uncomfortable. Would you believe me if I told you this was because of sin?

James 4:17 says:
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

You are called to make disciples of the nations – to bring others to Christ and help them grow and follow after Christ wholeheartedly. It’s not an option or just something that professional Christians, missionaries, and the like are called to do. You are called to do it…you! You have a mission that is always before you. Your hand may find many activities to do, different work, and new experiences. All those activities and work though should be channeled through this one primary focus – bringing others to Christ. Isn’t that amazing?! No mater what your hand in life or your job title, the real focus remains the same – bringing as many people to Christ as you can.

Somehow we mess this up though. Although Christ assures us that he has all authority, and he also reminds us that He is always with us, we still somehow fail to see this. If we truly believe he has all authority, and we truly believe He is always with us, shouldn’t this be enough for us to do what He is asking us to do in Matthew 28:18-20?

So what are you going to do? Will you live in your comfortable cultural Christianity which often ends up being very self-seeking and self-centered with the occasional “friendship evangelism” sprinkled in it so you don’t feel bad, or will you be part of the great commission that Christ has called you to?

Discipleship and Evangelism

What should your life look like while on earth, and how should you use it for the advancement of God’s Kingdom? Although your occupation in life may be different than those around you, your mission remains the same as every other Christian – bringing honor and glory to Christ through your life, making disciples of the nations, proclaiming Christ, and being used as an instrument to help bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ; the same knowledge that has changed your life for all of eternity. In this Great Commission that you should actively partake in, discipleship and evangelism go hand-in-hand. True discipleship breeds a heart for evangelism. If we truly call ourselves disciples of Christ, then bringing others to Christ is just what we do, or what we should be doing.

The following are people you can contact if interested in Discipleship and Evangelism, and making Evangelism a part of your daily life:


Adam and Tracy Simpson
Shawn and Liliana Taylor

New Mexico

Randall Scott –

Las Cruces
Nufie Hernandez –
Daniel Hopper –


Steve Yencho –

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Although He already knows what you need before you ask, He gives us the opportunity to partake in petitioning Him in His son Jesus’ name on your behalf so that together we may experience the greatness, goodness, grace, and love of God while being refreshed.

Ephesians 6:18

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.