Ten simple rules that seem to permeate throughout all of the world revealing the true nature of man’s heart. There is no escaping them and God wrote them on every man’s heart. God gave every man a conscience that either accuses or justifies. As stated in the last post from Romans 3:19-20:

(19) Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God; (20) because by the work of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin.

So you will die one day as every person does. After that comes the judgement. If you don’t have Christ and want to be justified by your own merit, what will this judgement look like? Let’s examine these ten laws that the Lord gave Moses on Mt. Sinai.

Do you have other god’s before the one true God? Perhaps you have put a spouse ahead of God. Perhaps you have put your family ahead of God. Perhaps your job, a lifestyle, a significant other for those not married, fitness, intelligence, friends, hobbies, sports, and the list goes on and on. If most of you are honest at one point or another you have done this and broken the first commandment. You may be the person who says – “Yeah, but I did that in the past and don’t anymore.” We will talk about that later.

Have you created a graven image? Most people think, “Well no! I haven’t made any kind of idol!” What if you created a god in your mind to suit your needs? What if you picked and chose what to believe in? What if you spoke for God, and you told other people, “We’ll, the god I know would never send someone to Hell”, and thousands of other things you have probably done in your head. You are probably correct in saying that your god would never do this or that, because your god does not exist. You have made a god to suit your needs and have broken the second commandment.

Have you ever used God’s name as a curse word? Have you substituted the most amazing name on the face of the planet to represent a curse word? Have you used the name above all names, the one who gave you life, abilites, intelligence, and so many other things – and used that word to express disgust? You have broken the third commandment.

Have you always kept the Sabbath Holy, or have you done things on the Sabbath you shoudn’t have? Have you always used the Sabbath to bring glory to God, or for other purposes. Have you ever gotten drunk on the Sabbath? Have you ever done what you wanted to do and not reserved the Sabbath first and foremost for the Lord? You have broken the fourth commandment

Have you always honored your father and mother in every action towards them? We don’t have to go far with this one. You have broken the fifth commandment

Have you ever killed anyone? Jesus made it clear that if you have hated your brother or said Raca that you have indeed killed someone. Have you ever maliciously gossiped about someone destroying their character? Have you ever hurt someone with cruel and mean words that have possibly hurt them and their self-worth? You have broken the sixth commandment.

Have you committed adultery? Jesus raised the bar on the Pharisees and said that if you have lusted after another person you have committed adultery in your heart. Jesus clearly and correctly deciphered the true heart of the law. You have broken the seventh commandment.

Have you ever stolen something regardless of value? Even a pencil or piece of bubble gum? If you have, you have broken the eighth commandment.

Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever lied to avoid punishment? Have you ever lied to kept a secret sin? Have you ever led a life of lies to portray yourself as better than you actually are? You have broken the ninth commandment.

Have you ever coveted? Have you ever wanted something that is someone else’s? Have you ever desired the life of someone else? Have you ever wanted material possessions that someone else has? You have also broken the tenth commandment.

So you have broken every commandment. To the person who is in denial and wants to play the “I did those things in the past, but no longer” I say this – not actually I but the Word of God says in James 2:10-11:

(10) For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all. (11)For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not commit murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.

Do you see now why Christ said in John 5:45:

(45) Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom in have set your hope.

A logical person would see at this point there is no hope in gaining a righteous standing before God the Father based on their works and obeying the Law. It is only through Christ. We will explore what this looks like in our lives.